GH Classroom Lessons - Creator
GH Classroom Lessons Creator is a companion software used to create lessons for GH Classroom Lessons app on Play Store.
GH Classroom Lessons is an Android app (Get the app here...) used by teachers:
• To create a Virtual Classroom for JHS and SHS
• To deploy lessons to their students
• Add assignments to the lessons
• Monitor performance of each student by receiving answer slips of each student in real-time
Use GH Classroom Lessons - Creator to create lessons for your students
How to Create lessons
1. Download GH Classroom Lessons-Creator from "" Windows Computer Software onto your computer
Depending on the Operating System on your computer, you may also be required to install .Net Framework v4.6.2 on your computer before the software can run on your computer. Download .Net Framework v4.6.2 from ""
2. Install & Watch YouTube Tutorial BELOW